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ISSIE Verilog Component



Both old and new style syntax are supported.

Old style example

module decoder(instr,carry,negative,jump,mux1_sel,mux2_sel);
    input [15:0] instr;
    input carry,negative;
    output jump,mux1_sel,mux2_sel;

    wire [3:0] opc = instr[15:12];

    assign jump = opc[0] ? c|n : c&n|op[1]; 
    assign mux1_sel = (&op[3:2]);
    assign mux2_sel = negative;


New style example

module decoder(
    input [15:0] instr,
    input carry,negative,
    output jump,mux1_sel,mux2_sel

    wire [3:0] opc = instr[15:12];

    assign jump = opc[0] ? c|n : c&n|op[1]; 
    assign mux1_sel = (&op[3:2]);
    assign mux2_sel = negative;



Numbers are given in the form: {width}'{radix}{value}, where radix = 'b or 'd or 'h

e.g. 16’h3fa5 , 4’b0101, 16’d154


Operators perform an opeation on one or more operands within an expression. An expression combines operands with appropriate operators to produce the desired functional expression.

The table shows the operators in descending order of precedence. Operators with equal precedence are shown grouped.

Verilog Operator Name Notes and example
[ ] bit-select or part-select Used to select specific bits of a bus signal. Example: instr[15:8]
( ) parenthesis Used to define the order of operations. Example: (a|b)&c
logical negation
reduction AND
reduction OR
reduction NAND
reduction NOR
The Verilog reduction operators are used to convert vectors to scalars.
They operate on all of the bits in a vector to convert the answer to a single bit
AND Reduction of 4’b1101 is: 0
AND Reduction of 4’b1111 is: 1
OR Reduction of 4’b1101 is: 1
OR Reduction of 4’b0000 is: 0
Example: assign out = (&a);
{ } concatenation example: {a[2:0],b[3:2],2'b01} -> result is 7 bits
binary plus
binary minus
The two operands must be of equal width N
The result is also N bits
logical shift left
logical shift right
arithmetic shift rigth
The second operand of a shift is an unsigned integer
example: assign out[5:0] = in[5:0] << 3;
The result has the width of the input
& bit-wise AND The two operands must have the same width
~^ or ^~
bit-wise XOR
bit-wise XNOR
As above
| bit-wise OR As above
&& logical AND logical means that 0->false, anything else -> true
Operands can have different width
|| logical OR As above
? : conditional like an if-statement, corresponds to a MUX
example: assign jump = opc[0] ? c|n : c&n|op[1];